Cargobot's Visit to MATS 2019
The 2019 Mid-America Trucking Show was another successful event, and Cargobot was there to officially launch our brand to over more than 1,020 exhibitors and 72,584 attendees! It was our fourth year in attendance at the event, and we enjoyed connecting with our community. We met some of our current users and welcomed some new ones by the end of the 3-day event!
The entire event was packed with hands-on demonstrations, education, networking, and technology. With 78% of attendees identifying as "decision-makers" for their companies, we demoed our platform and new technology features to thousands of interested people.

Our newly-updated booth looked amazing, and we used the increased foot traffic to get valuable feedback from a broad spectrum of people in the inland freight industry. We also used the opportunity to meet and network with other organizations, setting up some exciting possible collaboration opportunities in the future!
MATS 2019 was another great event for us as a company and for our industry overall. You can be confident the team at Cargobot is excited to return again in 2020!