5 Reasons You Should Become an Independent Sales Agent

Choosing to become an independent sales agent offers a variety of benefits. Gaining the freedom to work for yourself gives you much more flexibility. It is a more enjoyable experience for many people.
You can also build upon existing relationships to help you find new clients. Many times an independent sales agent can make substantially more money compared to an in-house agent working with a large organization.
Always taking the extra time to do your research in advance is essential in helping you make a decision that is in the best interests of your career.
Here are the five main reasons why you should consider becoming an independent sales agent.
#1) Low Start-Up Costs
One of the main benefits of becoming an independent sales agent is that it requires much lower start-up costs compared to working in other industries.
Choosing to partner with an established organization like Cargobot allows you to quickly break-in to the industry without requiring a significant amount of money or time investment. You can check out a previous blog post on understanding the different job duties between a freight broker and an independent agent.
#2) Flexible Work Schedule
Another reason to consider work as an independent sales agent is that it gives you a much more flexible work schedule compared to working in an agency. You have the freedom to choose your hours and develop a program that works around your family and other interests.
Ultimately, this creates a much better work-life balance, which enhances productivity and significantly decreases the chance of experiencing burn-out due to working too many hours.
#3) Unlimited Amount of Earning Potential
Working for an agency limits your earning potential, as most freight agents are only allowed to work a set number of hours each week. However, choosing to go out on your own will enable you to earn as much money as you want without the restrictions of working for another organization.
This type of job is fantastic for anyone with a strong work ethic and an inner drive to always look at ways to improve and become more productive. Many of the top income earners in the independent agent sector make over $150,000 each year.
#4) No Geographical Restrictions
An independent sales agent also has the flexibility to work with shippers and carriers across the entire country without being limited to one region.
Quickly scale your business up or down at any location to best meet your needs.
All of this additional freedom is one of the main selling points for those choosing to work for themselves without having to deal with the limits of working with a large organization.
#5) Work From Home
Working from home is a dream come true for many people, as an independent sales agent doesn't have to worry about making a long commute each day. All you need is an internet connection, as you can easily stay in communication with your clients by using a desktop computer or a laptop.
Working from home allows you to spend much more time with your family and create a better work-life balance.
Take the Next Step With Cargobot's New Sales Agent Program
Cargobot recently created a sales agent program that allows you to be your boss without putting a limit on your earning potential. You can also work from home while having an extensive network to support you with countless resources.
Our digital platform gives you access to state of the art technology that allows you to connect with a diverse range of shippers and carriers in the United States.
This simple to use platform enables you to work efficiently. If you need help at any turn, simply reach out to a dedicated customer support team member. It's that easy!
Reach out to Cargobot at any time to learn more about partnering with a company that focuses on helping independent sales agents succeed in the inland freight industry!