3 MacOS Productivity Apps for Independent Sales Agents

      productivity apps

      One of the keys to success for independent sales agents is finding ways to maximize productivity and meet each customer's needs completely. Productivity apps can help.

      Utilizing apps on your iPhone or iPad is an excellent way to save time and create a much more streamlined work environment. For most, real work happens on full-fledged computers. So what software can help independent sales agents utilizing Macs?

      Here are a few of the most popular macOS productivity apps for taking your sales support to the next level.

      Station App

      #1) Station

      Station is an app with more than 30,000 users worldwide. This innovative app allows independent sales agents to multitask with ease. You can easily view spreadsheets, your to-do list, or conversations at any time. 

      What's the software's secret? It maximizes your efficiency by rearranging how you use your web browser. A "smart dock" ensures your tabs group together to help you find the content you need - quickly. 

      Imagine a scenario where you have 12 tabs open - including Slack, Google Drive, Dropbox, WhatsApp. Instead of frantically switching to find the one you need, Station smartly organizes your pages by application, creating a cleaner, more organized interface. 

      Download the app at getstation.com.



      #2) Maccy

      Maccy is a popular clipboard app for Mac users. The minimalist design makes it easy to access your copy history. Just type what you want to find in history and hit Enter.

      The clipboard manager is FAST, and you'll never have to worry about slow loading times. Just tap a hotkey, and keep moving with those contracts and important documents! 

      Maccy is open-source software, meaning its free to use. You can download the app at https://maccy.app/.



      #3) SideNotes

      SideNotes makes it simple to keep track of all your notes and stream-of-consciousness scribblings. 

      These notes are always at your fingertips - access them through trackpad swipe gestures or keyboard shortcuts. While macOS comes with a stock "notes" app, you need something faster. The SideNotes app makes it easy for you to take notes on the fly and never forget any details. 

      You can download the SideNotes app at https://www.apptorium.com/sidenotes.


      Sales Agent Laughing

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      Freight movement is a complicated process, and having Cargobot's next-generation platform guarantees dependable support and all the tools you need for rapid growth.  

      Grow your business and increase your earning potential today! Learn more about our independent sales agent program, or contact us to learn more!